Completing an Intercampus Transfer (ICT) eDoc
This page briefly explains how to complete a basic Intercampus Transfer (ICT) of expense document in KFS. Your department or school may have policies or procedures that pertain to processing these documents, and should be followed if applicable. Remember to consistently save your work.
It is highly recommended that the other campus’ information is provided before any goods or services are provided, to facilitate the ICT intercampus recharge process. UC Irvine General Accounting will only process an ICT document if all mandatory fields are provided.
System Users (53 or 10035) can access the ICT in ZotPortal under the KFS Financial Processing Portlet. Expand the Financial and Current Budget Transactions menu by selecting the plus sign and select Intercampus Transfer. The document can also be accessed through the KFS homepage by either typing the eDoc name ("Intercampus Transfer") in the Jump-To menu, or going to the Accounting grouping.
Document Overview and Explanation
In the Document Overview tab fill out a Description and Explanation of the expense transfer.
Intercampus Transfer Details Tab
Department users should have “Expense” selected as the Type of Transfer, via default. You would not need to change this.
(MCA=Multi-campus Awards and CGB Invoice is used ONLY by central Contracts & Grants Accounting for special award and billing transactions.)
UC Campus Tab
The information input into the UC Campus tab should consist of the contact information for the other UC (i.e., not UCI information). It is highly recommended that the other campus’ information is obtained before the goods or services are provided, to facilitate the Intercampus process. Fill out the contact and accounting information for the other UC Campus in each tab.
UC Campus accounting information should be in the other campuses corresponding format. The information placed in this tab will be emailed to the Financial Control Accountant at the corresponding campus. When you provide the other UC's contract information, this helps the recipient know whom to talk to locally to ensure the expense is recorded in the right place. The Initiator & Department Approvers can ignore the checkbox that says "Response Only: Accounting Use Only".
Note that when filling out the email body, it is important to describe the service or good and the department you worked with, so the email recipient (other campus's Accounting Control Unit) understands where to allocate and record the recharge for their own internal general ledger.
Accounting Lines Tab
Enter your department’s account number and any other UCI accounting line fields that are appropriate in the Accounting Lines Tab. This tab is used for UCI's account that will be credited or debited. You will need to use one of the designated object codes (from the list below) for the campus you are coordinating the transfer with. Select the most appropriate category of the expense type, after determining whether you will be Crediting or Debiting your account
If your account is being credited funds, you would use the corresponding category & UC from the Credit Object Codes table. Also use a minus "-" sign in from of the Amount to indicate a credit to the UCI department account.
If your account is being debited, you would use the corresponding category & UC from the Debit Object Codes table. The amount field (non-negative) will debit the UCI department account.
In the *Campus field, use the drop down to select the other campus the expense will be transferred to/from.
Credit Object Codes
Credit | UCB | UCSF | UCD | UCLA | UCR | UCSD | UCSC | UCSB | UCM | UCOP |
Supplies | 3611 | 3621 | 3631 | 3641 | 3651 | 3661 | 3671 | 3681 | 3691 | 3701 |
Research Animals | 3612 | 3622 | 3632 | 3642 | 3652 | 3662 | 3672 | 3682 | 3692 | 3702 |
Professional Services | 3613 | 3623 | 3633 | 3643 | 3653 | 3663 | 3673 | 3683 | 3693 | 3703 |
Travel | 3614 | 3624 | 3634 | 3644 | 3654 | 3664 | 3674 | 3684 | 3694 | 3704 |
Insurance | 3615 | 3625 | 3635 | 3645 | 3655 | 3665 | 3675 | 3685 | 3695 | 3705 |
Misc | 3616 | 3636 | 3636 | 3646 | 3656 | 3666 | 3676 | 3686 | 3696 | 3706 |
Conferences | 3617 | 3627 | 3637 | 3647 | 3657 | 3667 | 3677 | 3687 | 3697 | 3707 |
Debit Object Codes
Supplies | 2611 | 2621 | 2631 | 2641 | 2651 | 2661 | 2671 | 2681 | 2691 | 2701 |
Research Animals | 2612 | 2622 | 2632 | 2642 | 2652 | 2662 | 2672 | 2682 | 2692 | 2702 |
Professional Services | 2613 | 2623 | 2633 | 2643 | 2653 | 2663 | 2673 | 2683 | 2693 | 2703 |
Travel | 2614 | 2624 | 2634 | 2644 | 2654 | 2664 | 2674 | 2684 | 2694 | 2704 |
Insurance | 2615 | 2625 | 2635 | 2645 | 2655 | 2665 | 2675 | 2685 | 2695 | 2705 |
Misc | 2616 | 2626 | 2636 | 2646 | 2656 | 2666 | 2676 | 2686 | 2696 | 2706 |
Conferences | 2617 | 2627 | 2637 | 2647 | 2657 | 2667 | 2677 | 2687 | 2697 | 2707 |
General Ledger Pending Entries Tab
After Adding your Accounting Lines, then saving your document, check the General Ledger Pending Entries. Ignore all lines that have the Object Code 'CAOF'. The first line will show if you are creating a credit or debit for your UCI Department account entered in the Accounting Lines. The Line with UC18888, and an Object Code that begins with IC is the Financial Control Account representing the campus you've selected.
ICT Workflow
The Intercampus Transfer document sends an FYI to the Fiscal Officer once complete, then routes to General Accounting for review. If all required information is entered and the document is approved, an email will be sent out to the Financial Control coordinator at the other UC campus that was indicated on the document.
Non-Expense Transfers
If a department is wanting to do a transfers of funds to another campus, they should contact the UCI Budget Office for questions about an Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF). However, if the transaction is not a fund transfer and not considered an expense transfer between UCI and another campus, then the recharge expense object codes may not apply. For questions and guidance, they should contact UCI Financial Control ( for help in doing non-expense transfers to another campus, before initiating the ICT document.
ICT Corrections
Once an ICT document has been processed or finalized, the account will be credited/debited the following business night. If a General Error Correction (GEC) is needed on the ICT, please note that it may be okay to correct the account, sub-account, project code, or Org Ref ID. A change in the Object Code will not be allowed (will route to General Accounting, whom may disapprove. This is because the Credit or Debit that UCI records (via the object code) for each campus must match what the other campus records as a Debit or Credit (UCOP will be checking each campus balances their intercampus recharge expenses).