Searching the KFS Vendor Database

Before requesting to invite a vendor with PaymentWorks, you should first verify that the vendor is not already onboarded in the Kuali Financial System. Use the instructions below to search for a vendor in KFS or to verify that a vendor does not already exist in the system.

For Purchase Order Vendors: You should also check the Contracted Suppliers on the Procurement Services website to see if you can use an existing contracted supplier for the commodities you are purchasing.

Navigating to the Vendor Lookup Screen

KFS Accounts Payable Portlet. The Vendor Lookup link is highlighted.How to perform a vendor search in KFS.

  • Log into ZotPortal and navigate to the Finance/KFS Tab.
  • Find the KFS Accounts Payable portlet
  • Expand the Vendor section and click the link for "Vendor Lookup."

Tip: Find the Vendor Lookup link in the Purchasing portlet. Both links lead to the same search window.

Searching by Vendor Name Using *Asterisks*

From the Vendor Lookup screen, search for vendors using the Vendor Name field. Ensure that all Vendor results are returned, by selecting the "Both" (Active & Inactive) radio button under the Vendor Active Indicator.

It is difficult to know exactly how the vendor’s name was entered into the system, search for a keyword that will be part of the name. Put asterisks (*) on both sides of the keyword to return all vendors or individuals with the keyword in the name.

Asterisks are Very Important

Asterisks are very important: The search function in KFS is looking for an exact match unless you use asterisks (wild cards). Searching for *Anteater* with an asterisk on both sides will find all vendors with names that include the keyword Anteater, including Peter Anteater, Anteater Corp., and even Planteater.

Searching for Multiple Keywords

Search multiple keywords but use asterisks (*) around each word. For example: *UNIV**TEX**SOUTH* would search for any name that has UNIV, TEX, and SOUTH as part of the name. The result would be UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CTR. Click the image above to expand it and view an example.


Next Steps

If the Vendor is found in KFS:

If the Vendor information is correct and the vendor is active, they are already in the system and available to be paid. It is not necessary to send an onboarding request invitation.

If the Vendor exists in KFS, but their information needs to be updated, please send a PaymentWorks Onboarding invitation and, in the Description of Payment, enter the change that needs to be made and the KFS vendor number. (Example: "Reactivation of KFS vendor 1234-0").

If the vendor is not found in KFS, you should request to invite them in PaymentWorks.