New Campus Financial Reports and More

Sent to the AFS-Update mailing list on Dec. 5, 2023

Below are calendar year-end deadlines and other important information for: Accounts Payable, Financial Services, and Contracts & Grants Accounting. Also included: PCDO auto-approval dates and research participant forms.

Reimbursements for Year-End Celebrations

As we head towards the end of the calendar year, many campus departments are planning for year-end recognition events. While it’s important to celebrate our teams and to recognize their many accomplishments of 2023, please be mindful with how you expend university funds on entertainment activities.

As a reminder, meals during virtual events are not reimbursable expenses. UCI policy allows for the purchase of gift cards to recognize work-related accomplishments, up to three per calendar year; however, any gift exceeding $75 in a calendar year becomes taxable. See the following policies for more information:

Staff in Accounting & Fiscal Services are available to provide guidance. If you have any questions, contact Accounts Payable directly at

Accounts Payable Year-End Deadline

Employees who process accounts payable documents should be mindful of the following deadlines to ensure all payments are made in a timely manner:

  • 12/8 – TEM, DV, RELO Reimbursements and Payments

The deadline to finalize your Travel Reimbursements (TR), Entertainment Reimbursements (ENT), Travel Authorizations (TA), Moving & Relocations (RELO) and Disbursement Voucher (DV) e-documents for payment in 2023 is the end of the business day on Friday, Dec. 8. Documents must be submitted, scanned, and department approved by this date to be processed for payment in 2023. If you miss the Friday, Dec. 8 deadline, your payment may not be processed until 2024.

If you have any questions, contact Accounts Payable directly at

Financial Services Year-End Deadlines

Please be aware of the following calendar year-end deadlines and closure information for Financial Services:

  • 12/21 – CBSO Invoices - The deadline to submit CBSO invoices to Campus Billing and Collections for processing is 1 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 21.
  • 12/21 – KFS AR Invoices - The deadline to submit KFS AR invoices to Campus Billing and Collections for processing is 1 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 21.
  • 12/14 – TouchNet Marketplace uStore Setup Requests - The deadline to submit TouchNet Marketplace uStore Setup Requests to Payment Services is 1 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14.
  • 12/20 – COD Deposits - The deadline to submit and deliver COD deposits to Payment Services is 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 20.

Winter Recess Closure: All Financial Services units, including Campus Billing and Collections, Payment Services, Loan Services, and Administration, are closed during the Winter Administrative Recess from Dec. 25, 2023 – Jan. 2, 2024.

C&G Accounting Closed Over Winter Recess

Contracts & Grants Accounting will be closed for the holidays starting at the end of the day on Dec. 22, 2023, and will reopen on Jan. 3, 2024. All urgent requests for calendar year 2023 should be submitted no later than Wednesday, Dec. 20.

Find the C&G accountant assigned to your award by looking them up. Instructions are on the CGA website.

PCDO Auto-Approval Dates Modified

Below are auto-approval dates and information for PALCard Reconciliation (PCDO) documents in the Kuali Financial System (KFS):

Create Date up to
Dec. 6, 2023

Auto-approves as normal, within 15 calendar days.

Create Date of
Dec. 7 – Dec. 31, 2023

Auto-approves on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024.

Create Date of
Jan. 1, 2024, and later

Auto-approve returns to 15 calendar days.

The last day to post finalized PCDO transactions to December will be Dec. 29, 2023. However, due to holidays and campus closures, to ensure transactions post to the December ledgers, fiscal officers and reconcilers should plan to review and approve all transactions by Friday, Dec. 22, 2023.

Research Participant Forms due Jan. 12

Payments made to research participants must comply with UCI policy and federal tax rules. Departments must submit all Acknowledgment of Patient Compensation forms along with a log of anonymous participants who received $600 or more to Accounts Payable no later than Jan. 12, 2024. Forms should be sent to Tanya Harris at Zot Code 1050 and include the anonymous patient’s full name, address, SSN and amount.

UCI policy requires departments to keep on file a completed Acknowledgement of Patient Compensation form to track how much was paid to each participant. If the amount paid was over $600 during a calendar year, UCI is required to report such payments to the IRS and issue the participant a 1099-NEC tax form. 

For more information, see UCI Policy 701-03: Payments to Research Participants (Human Subjects).